Angus MacSpon lives in Wellington, New Zealand, where he works in the IT industry. He also:
- Writes—both fan fiction and original fiction.
- Reads—his library contains thousands of books.
- Learns to play Japanese drums with Narukami Taiko.
- Spends far too much money on movies, and sometimes doesn't even watch them for months.
- Studies for a diploma in Theological Studues. Really.
In the past he has done all of the following, some of which he hopes to try again:
- Taken part in several amateur Gilbert & Sullivan theatricals.
- Been an extra in several TV programs—most notably the pilot to The Legend of William Tell. (Yeah, it was pretty bad.) But not any of the Lord of the Rings or Hobbit films…alas.
- Played in a brass band for several years.
- Visited Antarctica on a Russian ice-breaker.
- Performed a tandem parachute jump (but you're not gonna catch him doing that one again).
Some links to some of the stuff Angus does:
Caution: Following any of the above links may cause cavities, halitosis, hæmorrhoids, spontaneous brain implosion and/or athletes' foot. Not valid where prohibited by law. E pluribus meum. You have been warned.
Angus MacSpon